EMDB > S > Solange es Menschen gibt
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Solange es Menschen gibt (1959)  link to Solange es Menschen gibt on IMDb  

Nummer: 401

cover Solange es Menschen gibt

star star star star star star star star star star
7,9/10 (11827 Stimmen)

Originaltitel: Imitation of Life (Originaltitel)

Land: USA, 125 Minuten

Filmsprachen: Englisch

Genre: Drama

Regisseur: Douglas Sirk

Darsteller: Lana Turner (als Lora Meredith), John Gavin (als Steve Archer), Sandra Dee (als Susie - 16), Susan Kohner (als Sarah Jane - 18), Robert Alda (als Allen Loomis)

Medium: Blu-ray Disc,

Handlung: Aspiring actress Lora Meredith meets Annie Johnson, a homeless black woman at Coney Island and soon they share a tiny apartment. Each woman has an intolerable daughter, though, Annie's little girl Sarah Jane, is by far the worse. Neurotic and obnoxious, Sarah Jane doesn't like being black; since she's light-skinned (her father was practically white), she spends the rest of the film passing as white, much to her mother's heartache and shame. Lora, meanwhile, virtually ignores her own daughter in a single-minded quest for stardom.

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 1.85:1