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Epic (2013)  link to Epic on IMDb  link to trailer on IMDb

Nummer: 173

cover Epic

star star star star star star star star star star
6,7/10 (90094 Stimmen)

Land: USA, 102 Minuten

Filmsprachen: Englisch

Genre: Abenteuer, Fantasy, Animation, Familie

Regisseur: Chris Wedge

Darsteller: Blake Anderson (Stimme von Dagda), Aziz Ansari (Stimme von Mub), Allison Bills (Stimme von Dandelion Jinn), Jim Conroy (Stimme von Race Announcer / Additional Voices), John DiMaggio (Stimme von Pinecone Jinn)

Medium: Blu-ray Disc,

Handlung: Young Mary Katherine (M.K.) returns to her eccentric scientist father's home, but his all-consuming quest to discover a tiny civilization in the neighboring forest drives them apart. However, M.K. soon finds herself shrunken down by Queen Tara of that forest who was mortally wounded by the putrefying Boggans, and charged to deliver a pod bearing the new Queen to safety. Together with a veteran Leafman warrior, two goofy mollusks and a young maverick, M.K. agrees to help. As the villainous Boggan leader, Mandrake closes in, M.K. and her new friends must draw on the best of themselves together and discover what they have to save their world.

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 2.35:1